Customer Story: Saria Bio-Industries

Mobile order management with VCE VAMOS

The Saria Group operates internationally as a manufacturer of quality products for human and animal nutrition, agriculture, aquaculture, and industrial applications. Saria also produces renewable energies and provides services for the agricultural and food industry.

A mobile order management system was developed that consists of three core modules. The following components were realized: Order entry, package scanning, status messages, performance recording, receipt printing, EC card payment, real-time communication, data synchronization via GSM, WLAN, or cable. A great advantage of GSM synchronization is that the driver, who is already on the road, can be provided with modified or even new orders.

Within these requirements, an automatic Bluetooth communication was developed for the Pidion BIP 5000, in which the Pidion acts as a central control unit to enable an uncomplicated use of additional external devices (printer, weighbridge, hands-free kit, etc.). Here, the driver only has to select the current vehicle when logging on and the software automatically identifies the used Bluetooth components and logs them on. This also ensures that the Pidion can only be connected to the external devices that are being used.

Auftragsmanagement VCE VAMOS
Saria Bio-Industries AG
Saria Logo
  • Design and implementation of a mobile order management with different modules
  • Implemented for Windows CE and Windows Mobile 5
  • Device basis: Pidion BIP 5000 and Gotive H41/H42
  • Commissioning

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